Chapter 217 - Rejuvenation

In the next few days, Zhao Chen, Yue Fei, Yu Yunwen and the others discussed about the establishment of the staff officers headquarters!

Zhao Chen had already sent someone to write to Li Gang, Wu Jie, Liu Qi, Zhao Zhe and the rest, informing them of the relevant information about the headquarters, and asking them to put forward their suggestions!

From Zhao Chen's perspective, the staff officer headquarters was an important organization second only to the Military Intelligence department! As the world was in chaos, the army was the most important force. It was very important to establish a staff officer headquarters that could make a fundamental change in the army's commanding system.

Until the twenty-fifth day of the first month, when Zhang Jun, Liu He and the others finally escaped back to Chang An!

After Qin Gui, Zong Ze, Liu Guangshi and the rest heard that Zhang Jun had escaped back, they all went to see Zhang Jun!

At the moment, these people were standing on the walls of Chang'an City.

Zhang Jun's face was gloomy. Liu Guangshi looked at Zhang Jun and said, "General Zhang, why did you come back alone? Where's your Zhang Jia Jun? "Why don't you see them?"

Liu Guangshi's face was filled with mockery, and the rage in his heart, as he said: "Liu Guangshi, what do you mean by saying all these now?"

Liu Guangshi had always looked down on the person who was born with a weak leg, but now that he knew that Zhang Jun had failed, he was exceptionally happy!

Zhang Jun was extremely furious, and said: "Emperor Xuanwu has many subordinates, and our Zhang Jia Jun is not his opponent. Even your Liu Jiajia is not his opponent! Your Liu Jiajia is still far from being comparable to our Zhang Jia Jun! "

Liu Guangshi said in disdain: "If my Liu Jiajia were to come forward, she would definitely be able to capture my Emperor Xuanwu alive! That Emperor Xuanwu is just a useless youth, how can I not catch him? Only you, Zhang Jun, will be defeated by the brave people under the Emperor Xuanwu! "

From Liu Guangshi's point of view, the so-called "Production and Construction Corps" was just a bunch of militia! Other than Zhang Jun and Liu He who escaped, there were hundreds of other Zhang Jia Jun soldiers who escaped. Liu Guangshi had already asked the soldiers of the Zhang Jia Jun before, and knew that many of the "Production and Construction Corps" soldiers did not even have weapons, many of them were even holding wooden sticks! Liu Guangshi felt that this so called "Production and Construction Corps" had no fighting power at all. He was wondering why Zhang Jun had failed!

"Alright!" Stop arguing! Zhang Jun, you have lost almost a hundred thousand soldiers, when that time comes, the emperor will blame you for it. Qin Gui sighed softly and said.

Zhang Jun clenched his teeth, his heart feeling extremely uncomfortable! However, he had indeed been defeated, and now he had nothing to say!

"Lord Qin, we still have hundreds of thousands of soldiers here. We might as well head west immediately and capture Emperor Xuanwu alive!" Liu Guangshi said.

"Our army has suffered heavy losses! Before, when Emperor Xuanwu led his troops to our camp, and trampled on each other, many people died! This time, the Zhang Jia Jun was completely annihilated! The morale of the military was abnormally low, especially that of the rebel army. Many of them no longer wished to fight! For the time being, we don't have the ability to advance westward! We should guard Chang'an and wait for the other armies of His Majesty to arrive! Furthermore, we have consumed a lot of food, and now we don't have any left. We need to transport them from Kaifeng, Shaanxi Province, and other places! " Qin Gui said.

"Doesn't this mean that the Emperor Xuanwu has escaped?" Liu Guangshi said.

"I heard that the's forbidden forces have returned. I'm afraid that even if we continue heading west, we might not be able to take any advantage of them! If more than a hundred thousand of our army were to be defeated by the Imperial Guards, we will not be able to defeat them! " Seeing how Liu Guangshi looked down on Zhao Chen's subordinates, Zong Ze frowned and said.

"The forbidden army under the Emperor Xuanwu can defeat the army of over a hundred thousand women? I think it's fake, I definitely won't believe it! " Liu Guangshi shook his head.

Qin Gui was standing on top of the city walls with a worried expression on his face! This time, their army of eight hundred thousand had advanced westward and had actually failed in succession! He was not like Liu Guangshi, who was arrogant and conceited. He had already deeply felt the might of Zhao Chen's army! As the emperor, Zhao Chen had actually personally led a huge army to war. Ever since Song Taizu and Song Taizong, the Song Dynasty had never had such a valiant emperor! A male lion leading a pride of lions was terrifying enough! In comparison, whether it was the emperor himself or the army, the Jiangnan side was far inferior to the Middle Han Area!

"Emperor Xuanwu is a great enemy for the future, far surpassing any true female existence! His Majesty must recruit more troops and send more troops to the Guan Shan! Right now, the army had suffered a setback, so they could only temporarily stop. When our strength is sufficient, we will fight to the death with the Emperor Xuanwu! " Qin Gui secretly thought.

It was already deep into the night, and the cold wind howled!

The true female army had now retreated to the Han City and He Yang area!

Wanyan Zongwang was currently sitting in He Yang's courthouse. The room was ice-cold, and he was drinking wine there!

Wanyan Loushi sat beside him!

Both of their faces were filled with worry!

"This time, we were actually defeated by the Chinese, it's really unbelievable!" After a long while, Wanyan Loushi said.

"The speed at which the Chinese are growing is astonishing! Especially the Imperial Guards under the Emperor Xuanwu, they are completely different from the lowly Chinese we saw before, they actually dared to fight us to the death, and they actually didn't surrender! The number of Chinese is a hundred times more than our Nvzhen. If everyone dares to go all out and no one dares to surrender, our Nvzhen will definitely not be a match for the Chinese! " Wanyan Zongwang said.

"This is all because of that little emperor!" Wanyan Loushi said.

"That's right!" Therefore, we must eliminate this little emperor as soon as possible! I've already informed the eunuchs to recruit troops from all over the Central Plains! In addition, I have already informed Zong Han to capture all the barbarians from the forest and form a new army! I have also reported to His Majesty and told him to support us! " Wanyan Zongwang said.

Female true qi was divided into two parts, female true qi and mature female true qi! Familiar with the woman was the woman who had interacted with the Liao Country more in the past, while the real woman was the woman who had never been enlightened in the deep mountains and forests! They did not interact with the outside world at all. They lived in the most remote areas of the Big and Small Xing An Mountains, Mount Changbai, and the extreme north. They usually drank blood, and their bodies were abnormally strong! Although the Dajin was established now, it did not include these "barbarian women", Wanyan Zongwang wanted to capture these barbarians women to fight for them!

"In at most a year or two, our strength will increase once again. At that time, we can deal with this little Emperor!" Wanyan Loushi nodded.

"Right, something has happened to Hedong. I'm going to lead a group of soldiers and horses to Hedong City!" Wanyan Zongwang said.

"What happened to Hedong?" Wanyan Loushi said in surprise.

"The Chinese army in Hedong became more and more powerful. When we were advancing westward, they had actually organized hundreds of thousands of people to attack Taiyuan! Tai Yuan was almost beaten down by them! " Wanyan Zongwang said.

"What?" Wanyan Loushi was shocked.

"Therefore, I must return to Hedong City and finish off these rebel soldiers first!" Wanyan Zongwang said.

Hedong's allied army, led by Wang Gui, Niu Gao and the rest, had originally organized a large-scale attack during this period! However, their combat power was still limited, mainly to share the pressure on the Guan Shan! And under such a situation, Wanyan Zongwang had no choice but to return to Hedong City!

"Wo Liyan, you must protect Han City and the He Yang area well. When necessary, join up with Qin Gui and the others! If we wait for another one to two years, our strength will increase, and then it will be time for us to counterattack! " Wanyan Zongwang said.

"I understand!" Wanyan Loushi nodded.

Early morning on the second day, Wanyan Zongwang led thirty thousand female elites to return to the east of the river.

In the month of February, when the Xuanwu had been in existence for four years, the staff officer headquarters had already been officially established!

Zhao Chen was personally in charge of this in the Wu Gong County!

The three main organizations under the General Staff Council, one was the Information Services, which was responsible for collecting information and researching it, and the other was responsible for the combat department, which was responsible for making strategic plans, coordinating the combat operations of the various battalions, and so on. The third was the logistics department, which was responsible for logistics!

Zhao Chen handed over the Information Services to Wang De to take care of, but Wang De still had not come, and was still in the same place. Zhao Chen had already sent someone to inform Wang De! As for the combat arena, Zhao Chen pondered for a long time. He had thought that Yu Yunwen was a talented youth and was prepared to give it to Yu Yunwen, but later on, he thought of the Curved End and decided to give it to him! And the logistics branch was given to Yu Yunwen to take charge of!

In addition to the staff officer's headquarters, the Military Administration of the military had been busy setting up defenses during this period of time!

The forbidden troop encampment had already been changed to Wu Gong County, Fu Feng County, Fu Ping County, and other places. Li Xianzhong's Shanbei Forbidden Army was in charge of the area around the Yan'an Prefecture. The Tsinghua Army was in charge of guarding Luo Chuan and Huang Long, and was also to defend the north side of the Nvzhen! As for the Jingyuan Army, he was transferred to the regions of the Fengxiang Residence and the Dazhang Pass to prevent unexpected situations from occurring within!

The entire Guan Shan was now filled with military camps. Emperor Kang, Valkyrie and Zhao Chen's army together numbered over a million troops!

Especially within a radius of five hundred miles with Chang'an as the center, there were armies everywhere. If one was not careful, a great battle could happen! Every general and soldier here was on their guard, every single day and night!

At the border of the Forbidden Army and Tsinghua Army's base, the soldiers are digging trenches everywhere and setting up traps! At the edges of the encampment of the Female Genuine and Emperor Kang, there were such things everywhere!

In addition, many fortresses and fortifications were built within a radius of 500 miles! Many food supplies and strategic goods were also coming!

From February onwards, skirmishes broke out all over the country, with casualties on both sides! However, there were no signs of a war! None of the three sides had any intention of using force on a large scale at the moment!

Spring had already come, and every part of Guan Shan had launched a "Catch on guard, produce faster" campaign. The 1.2 million young people of Production and Construction Corps, while assisting in their defense, were seizing the opportunity to start their production construction! They were clearing the fields, building water conservancy, sowing and so on!

Everything was progressing in an orderly manner!

By April, the staff officers' headquarters had over a thousand people. The Information Services and the combat department had over four hundred people each, and they were all selected from the elite soldiers in the army! The logistics branch had a total of two hundred people, and these two hundred people were chosen from the young men of Production and Construction Corps!

Wang De had already arrived, but the Curved End had never come!

Zhao Chen left Yu Yunwen in charge of the War Office for the time being!

Just on this afternoon, Sichuan Wu Jie had someone deliver a letter to him!

When Zhao Chen saw the letter, he immediately called for Wang Shu and Yu Yunwen, and handed the letter over to the two of them!

"That's right!" Your Majesty, we cannot let this matter spread! " Yu Yunwen also said.

"I'm going to Sichuan myself!" Zhao Chen remained silent for a long time before he suddenly spoke.

"AHH!" Your Majesty, now is not the time to leave Guan Shan! " Yu Yunwen said.

"Although the Guan Shan is in a dangerous situation, the combat department has analysed it countless times. It will take one or two more years for the war to truly start! Furthermore, the Information Services had received the news, the battle inside the female True Capital's Huining Mansion was extremely intense, the female True Emperor Wan Yanwuqimai's health was not good, while Wanyan Zonghan, Wan Yanchang and the rest were fighting for power and benefits, without any intention of going south! The female real was still lacking in strength, so they were still preparing! In the Jiang-Nan region, Huang Qianshan, Wang Boyan and the others were not satisfied with Qin Gui's position, because there was a high possibility that Qin Gui would return to Jiangnan! Now, all we have to do is defend our position! But in Sichuan, I'm not only going to deal with this, I have more important things to deal with! " Zhao Chen said.

"What else is there?" Wang Shu said.

"The local power in Sichuan has always been great, and our policies have always been difficult to implement in Sichuan! Although we have the Guan Shan, Middle Han Area, and Sichuan, although we are strong on the surface, but Sichuan is not under our control! This time, I want to completely solve the problem in Sichuan! " Zhao Chen said.

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